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2016 Ph.D. Graduates of the WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy

1. Derek Bas: “Optical and Terahertz Measurements of Spintronic Materials” Faculty Advisor/Supervisor: Dr. Alan Bristow

2. Jinling Zhou: “Synchrotron Investigations on La0.7Sr0.3MnO 3/PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 Heterostructures” Faculty Advisor/Supervisor: Dr. Mikel Holcomb

3. Zhengjun Wang: “Investigations into the Nature of Magnetism in Transition-Metal-Phthalocyanines”; Faculty Advisor/Supervisor: Dr. Mohindar Seehra

4. Drew Elliott: “Two Photon Laser Induced Fluorescence for Fusion Class Plasmas” Faculty Advisor/Supervisor: Dr. Earl Scime

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