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Choose a minor in Physics or a minor in Astronomy

Physics Minor

Physics forms the foundation for every other science and engineering field. Minors in physics help students develop analytical problem-solving skills and enhance their ability to engage in scientific thinking. 

The objective of the minor is to strengthen the student’s understanding of the fundamental physical concepts underlying all modern science and engineering. This minor combines hands-on learning with renowned faculty and access to high-end equipment.

To be eligible for a minor in Physics, a student must complete at least 18 hours of coursework in physics. Please contact for questions or more information.

Physics Minor Plan of Study 

Astronomy Minor

Astronomy covers the most fascinating physical phenomena in the universe, from the atmospheres of planets to the nature of galaxies and their stars, and to the evolution of the universe. Students minoring in Astronomy are introduced to the principles of astronomy, physics, and mathematics. They develop critical thinking skills and learn to evaluate, interpret, and solve problems related to astronomical, as well as other technical and general scientific topics.

Physics majors may complete an astronomy minor, provided the ASTR courses counted toward the minor are not counted as electives toward the physics major. 

Contact for questions or information about adding an Astronomy minor.

Astronomy Minor Plan of Study