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An Impressive 24 students named to the WVU President's list and Dean's list from the Department of Physics and Astronomy

West Virginia University recently announced the President's List (4.0 GPA) and Dean's list (3.5-3.9999 GPA) for the 2021 fall semester.  An impressive 24 physics/astro majors made the lists.  The names of those students are shared below.  Please take a moment to congratulate them for their achievement! 

President’s List
Calvin Dear, Trevor Ford, Robert Gullion, Michael Howell, Jacob Huggins, Brendan Kunce, Caleb Lansdell, Emily Parr, Skyler Putney, Justin Riggs, Elizabeth Snyder, Jordan Stanley, Bariana Wimmer

Dean’s List
Sulaiman Al Ghadani, Martin Campagna, Elliot Dotson, Mayley Guitard, Parker Hewitt, John Jones, Taliesin Newton, Joshua Noonan, Jack Powers, Benjamin Skeen, Leo Weimer

Congratulations to the WVU physics and astronomy students named to the president's and dean's list for fall 2021

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