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WVU Department of Physics and Astronomy students swept the competition in the annual Integration Bee

WVU Physics and Astronomy students, Jacob Huggins and Zhi Gu Li, placed first and second place in the annual Integration Bee, held on April 6, 2022. 
The competition was won by Jacob Huggins (sophomore, Physics). Zhi Gu Li (graduate student, Physics) placed second overall. 
2022 Integration Bee winners

The Integration Bee is an annual competition open to all WVU and local high school students, consisting of a 40-minute written qualifier and a single-elimination blackboard tournament.

2022 Integration Bee

Competitors face off in pairs, solving integrals at the blackboard, standing in front of a crowd. The integrals are projected onto a screen along with a timer. The integrals become more challenging as the contest progresses to higher rounds. When a competitor circles or boxes a solution, the clock is stopped, and the judges consider it. If the solution is correct, the competitor proceeds to the next round, while the other is eliminated. If the solution is incorrect, the clock resumes, and either competitor may present a solution in the remaining time. If neither contestant gives a correct solution within the allotted time, both start with a new integral. 

The competition finals included approximately 52 attendees, lasting almost three and a half hours. According to organizer, Charis Tsikkou, the competition is very fun while requiring mathematical ability and competitiveness.  “It is a great way for students to socialize and learn at the same time.”

Congratulations, Jacob Huggins and Zhi Gu Li!

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