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Unleashing Innovation in Energy Science Workshop


Unleashing Innovation in Energy Science Workshop: A Journey from First Principles to Data-Driven Autonomy

Free and open to all.

April 2nd, 2024

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

AERB 120, Statler College

The workshop delves into the transformative potential of integrating first principles methodologies with machine learning techniques to propel energy science into a new era of discovery and innovation. By leveraging the synergy between fundamental theoretical frameworks and advanced data-driven approaches, participants will explore how autonomous experimentation can revolutionize the energy research landscape. Through case studies in different physics and engineering domains, discussions, and poster sessions, this workshop aims to equip attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to harness the power of data-driven autonomy in addressing complex energy challenges and driving impactful advancements in the field.

Poster session: there will be a small poster session of some of the work related to energy and the uses of AI in this context. Organizers invite anyone to present as poster or small presentation about their work. If interested contact Prof. Romero.

Contact Name:  Aldo Romero


 Data-Driven Autonomy simulation

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