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Department to host 2024 Physics and Astronomy Awards Night

A celebration of achievements this Wednesday in White Hall G09

Students, staff, and faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy will gather on Wednesday, April 24 at 6:00 PM for the Annual Department Awards Night and SPS Induction Ceremony. A reception featuring light refreshments will precede the event at 5:30 PM in White Hall 105.

About SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) exists to encourage community interest in physics and to enable creative ideas in students of all ages. Interested students met every other week to organize a variety of outreach activities to promote science to future generations.

Sigma Pi Sigma is the official honor society of the physics profession, founded in 1921. By honoring high achievement in physics and upholding high standards for election into Sigma Pi Sigma, the Society provides an incentive for all physics students to rise to excellence. Eligibility requires the completion of at least three physics courses and to be in the top third among physics majors.

The Society also encourages physics interest and science literacy in the general public. In addition to an official lapel pin, certificate of membership and membership card, all members of Sigma Pi Sigma receive complimentary subscriptions to the official publication of Sigma Pi Sigma. Members also receive notice of events through quarterly emails. Members have the opportunity to engage with Sigma Pi Sigma online communities, attend local Sigma Pi Sigma and SPS events as a way to share their experiences with the younger members of the physics community, to network with their peers, to keep up with the latest trends in physics, and to meet new people.

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