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Morrigan Passey

Bachelor of Science in Physics with a minor in English and Certificate of Education in Physics
Class of 2026

“The research at WVU has been amazing. I truly have enjoyed every second of it.”

Hometown: Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA

Hobbies: Reading, needlework, video games, and scrapbooking

One interesting fact: I get a Southern accent when I get mad.

Q&A with Morrigan

  • What are your favorite things about the department?
    • It's very woman in STEM friendly.
  • What do you think is the most interesting thing about your research?
    • Magnetars in general. They have incredibly powerful magnetic fields, and I want to know why.
  • Why did you want to pursue physics?
    • I have always loved it. It's always felt right.
  • Why did you choose West Virginia University?
    • The people. They're very down to earth, and I've always felt at home in the state.
  • How have your professors and/or staff helped you be successful?
    • I always feel as though I can ask for help and they are very encouraging.
  • What advice would you give to an incoming student?
    • Go to the doctor when you get sick. Talk to your fellow physics students (we want to talk to you!). Get into research as soon as possible.

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