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Loren Anderson

Loren Anderson


Astronomy & Astrophysics


Ph.D., Boston University, 2009
B.A., Whitman College, 2002 


Dr. Anderson's research concerns Galactic HII regions the plasma spheres surrounding massive stars, and what they can teach us about the structure of our Galaxy. He has led the GBT Diffuse Ionized Gas Survey, the WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions, and the HII Region Discovery Survey.  Please see his full paper list as an  ADS Public Library.

He also leads the astronomy REU program, which brings ~8 undergraduate researchers to our department every summer, and the Mapping the Milky Way outreach project, where West Virginian high school students discover new Galactic HII regions with the Green Bank Telescope.


I am an observational astronomer and study the impact that massive stars have on our Milky Way Galaxy. I defended my PhD in 2009 under the supervision of Dr. Thomas Bania. From 2009 to 2011 I worked with Drs. Annie Zavagno and Lise Deharveng on Herschel satellite data. I became an assistant professor at WVU in 2011. I have two amazing daughters and one incorrigible dog, Saturn. In my free time I like to hike, run, ski, play soccer, make beer, play piano, and fix up my 1911 bungalow.

  WVU Astrophysics Faculty Website Curriculum Vitae

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