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Ankit Poudel

Physics, Ph.D. | Optical & Laser Physics

“At WVU, there's a vibrant mix of research happening across various fields, fostering an environment for collaboration. As someone deeply interested in laser physics and quantum optics, I've had the excited opportunity to engage in hands-on lab work, exploring and discovering new facets of these fascinating areas.”

Hometown: Pokhara, Gandaki Province, Nepal

Hobbies: Hiking, cycling, soccer, playing guitar, and cooking

One interesting fact: I look calm under pressure.

Q&A with Ankit

  • What are your favorite things about the department?
    • My favorite things about the department are its diversity in research, the collaborative and idea-sharing environment, and the incredibly helpful staff. 
  • What do you think is the most interesting thing about your research?
    • The most interesting thing about my research is the incredible potential of lasers and optics. Since the invention of the laser, it has become an indispensable tool in numerous scientific fields, from semiconductor physics to quantum optics. Despite the advancements we've already seen, I believe we are only scratching the surface of what laser and optics technology can achieve. The future holds exciting possibilities, and I am thrilled to be part of this cutting-edge exploration.
  • Why did you want to pursue physics?
    • I've been fascinated by science since childhood. While I wouldn't say I was a prodigy, I was always deeply interested in understanding how things work. Physics captivated me in particular because it seeks to explain the fundamental workings of the universe. It offers answers, or at least comes close to the truth, about the physical principles governing everything around us. 
  • Why did you choose West Virginia University?
    • I chose WVU because I wanted to attend a university that is involved in cutting-edge research while also being close to nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.  
  • How have your professors and/or staff helped you be successful?
    • My professors have been instrumental so far by helping me navigate the various research aspects, particularly in laser physics. They have introduced me to different research possibilities and have been actively involved in guiding my current projects. Through our instructional meetings, they help identify potential problems and provide valuable insights on how to address these issues, which I might not have considered on my own. Their support and expertise have been crucial in advancing my research skills and knowledge. 
  • What advice would you give to an incoming student?
    •  My advice to an incoming student is to stay open-minded about your research interests. Take the time to explore the diverse range of research happening within the department and the university. Don’t hesitate to ask questions—everyone here is willing to help. Embrace the journey, and make the most of the collaborative and supportive environment. 

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