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Alternate Workload Policy

Graduate Student Handbook

Funded graduate students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy may, on occasion, require an alternate workload assignment for the birth/adoption of a child, a personal/serious health condition, or to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition. In these circumstances, every effort will be made to protect the graduate student's stipend and appointment.

If you have questions at any time about the information provided within the Alternate Workload Policy, you may contact the Department Chair, Prof. Maura McLaughlin, or the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies and Research,  Prof. Alan Bristow.

  1. Eligibility

    The alternate workload policy applies to full-time, enrolled graduate teaching and research assistants or fellows who are in good academic standing and making satisfactory process toward completion of their degree.

  2. Provision

    For an eligible, funded graduate student, the stipend will be maintained for up to six weeks or until the last day or the appointment, whichever comes first. The six-week alternate assignment start and end dates, as well as the terms of saalary and other benefits, are coordinated among the Department Chair, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies and Research, and the student's research advisor. The same appointment status (with equivalent benefits, pay, and other terms) will be available after a medical/family leave of absence has been taken, provided the appointment or reappointment would have mormally been available. Assigned duties, however, may be subject to change. While graduate students are expected to return to their assignments at the conclusion of their alternate work assignment, department leadership will work with them to define roles and responsibilities that may provide additional flexibility (e.g., online instruction, grading, preparing course materials, or less-intensive duties).

  3. Extension of Time Limits to Degree or Candidacy

    Since the student remains enrolled as a full-time student and continues to pay tuition, this is not a leave of absence. It is instead a modification of deadlines and academic expectations to accommodate the student's situation. The student will be able to postpone completion of course assignments, examinations, and other requirements. The advisor and student should consult in advance about how the student will meet academic goals and requirements. The student is responsible for ensuring that this consultation takes place. The accommodation period needs to be tailored to the student's individual circumstances and the timing of the student's academic responsibilities, but it will typically be a one semester extension. After the end of the alternate workload period, students are expected to return to graduate student and resume process toward their degree.

    Special Notice to International Students:International students should discuss the intended leave period with International Students and Scholars Services at the beginning of the planning period to proactively identify and address any unique, individual visa issues and/or to consider the latest applicable regulations.

  4. Funding During Alternate Workload

    Graduate Teaching Assistants: With advanced planning, many assignments can be adapted or modified during an alternate workload assignment. Eligible graduate students with GTA appointments are encouraged to work out the necessary adjustments as far in advance as practical. During the leave period, students will continue to receive their salary or stipend, benefits, and associated tuition support.

    Fellowship Recipients: Eligible students who are supported by WVU fellowships will experience no change in their funding arrangements during the alternate workload period. They will continue to receive fellowship support and benefits during their assigment.

    Research or Externally Funded Students: Students supported by research or externally funded resources will consult with department leadership, funding agency, and their advisor to discuss their terms.

    Graduate Students Without Financial Support: Students who do not have an ongoing commitment of financial support from the University are eligible for extension of time limits, but are not entitled to funding.

    Limitations: If partners or spouses are both full-time graduate students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at WVU, terms of the alternate workload period for both students must be arranged. Typically, only one student receives an assignment for any given event, but the other partner/spouse may still request leave.

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