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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Graduate Student Handbook

The following page contains answers to frequently asked questions related to life as a graduate student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Internal Wellness Resources


  • What should I do if I need help figuring something out?
    • If you are uncertain about how to perform any task in the department, please contact one of the  Staff members who can direct your request or assist with it.
  • How does printing work in White Hall?
    • A central printer/copier is available in the main office (White Hall 111). Department members should print to the Blue Print Group. If the printer in White Hall is out of service or unavailable, you may print to the Blue Print Group printer/copier located in the WVU Downtown Library. If you need assistance operating or connecting to the printer, please contact  Miranda Heitz or  Greg Lusk. You can also visit the  ITS Student Resources page.
  • How can I connect to the internet?
  • How can I find contact information for a department member, or update my website directory entry?
  • I am going through a tough time and could use some support. What are my options?
  • How can I submit a shop request?
  • How do email accounts at WVU work?
    • Students are, by default, provided with Gmail accounts ( Faculty, staff, and post-docs are provided with Outlook accounts ( If you travel with or receive a reimbursement from the University, you will be set up with an @Mail account. This is necessary to enable you to receive emails from MyTravel and MyExpenses containing important information about your trip reservations, pending reports, and more. The @Mail accounts are not linked to the @Mix accounts. If you have an @Mail account, we suggest forwarding it to your @Mix account. Alternatively, you can regularly check both email inboxes. If you have any questions, please contact  Viola Bryant or  Miranda Heitz.

Building Information

  • How does building and room access work in White Hall?
    • Entrances to White Hall are automatically unlocked each day from 7:00am to 7:00pm, except for university holidays, weekends, and school breaks (including summer). After hours/weekend access to White Hall is approved on an as-needs basis. Your WVU ID card serves as the key to rooms in White Hall. Insert your ID card in the slot on the door with the magnetic stripe toward the left and remove. A steady green light indicates that you have access to that door. A blinking red light indicates that you do not have access to that door. Access requests for doors in White Hall may be submitted through the  Door Access Request Form. Please see  Miranda Heitz for assistance with all requests related to building or room access in White Hall.
  • How can I reserve a conference room for a meeting, presentation, or study group?
    • There are conference rooms available for reservation in White Hall. The room numbers are 105, 201, 243, 301, 343, 401, 443, and G51. To reserve a conference room, please contact  Viola Bryant or  Miranda Heitz.
  • What should I do in case of an emergency?
    • White Hall is equipped with a sophisticated emergency alert system. For medical and other emergencies, please dial 911 (9-911 from campus landline phones) or call the University Police at 304-293-2677 (COPS). Emergency information applicable to the campus will be shared via InfoStations in the building through the WVU Alert system. Visit WVU Emergency for more information.
  • Where can I find lab safety information?
  • I noticed something in White Hall is broken or in need of repair. What do I do?
    • Requests for repairs or maintenance in the building are filtered through the administrative staff in White Hall 111. If you notice items in your office, lab, or common areas require maintenance or repairs, please contact  Viola Bryant or  Miranda Heitz. If it is an emergency request and it is after hours, please contact the 24/7 university dispatch line: 304-293-4357 (HELP).
  • How is office space managed in White Hall?

Purchasing and Procurement

  • My advisor asked me to make a purchase on Mountaineer Marketplace. Where do I start?
  • What is a Pcard?
    • Many purchases can be made with a procurement card , also called a purchasing card or Pcard. In some cases, a Pcard is the preferred payment method (such as for research purchases unavailable on Marketplace). There are two types of Pcards, research and state. Once you have joined a research group, you may apply for a Pcard if approved by your advisor. Please refer to the WVU/WVURC Cardholder User Guide  for guidance on proper usage. Prior to being granted a Pcard, you must complete Pcard Training.
  • How can I reconcile my Pcard expenses?
    • All Pcard purchases must be reconciled via a MyExpenses report within 30 days of the purchase date. MyExpenses is accessed via the  WVU Portal under the "Employee" tab. You are responsible for preparing your reports. You must save and submit all receipts, include a business purpose, and provide funding in your report. Visit the WVU Shared Services article 101: An Introduction to MyExpenses for guidance and training. If you have any questions, contact  Viola Bryant or  Miranda Heitz.
  • My advisor asked me to purchase something via Amazon. How can I access the WVU Amazon Business account?
  • What is tax exemption, and why is it important to me?
    • You may be asked by your research advisor to purchase an item from an external vendor, or you may need to purchase something for student group/conference travel. WVU and WVU Research Corporation are tax exempt and should not pay tax to in-state vendors. Please remind vendors of tax exemption status before initiating a transaction.  Learn more about Sales and Use Tax.

Travel Information

  • My advisor or group are planning to attend a conference. How should I book my travel?
    • Travel must be booked via MyTravel/AMEX GBT, accessed via the  WVU Portal under the "Employee" tab. Visit the WVU Shared Services article 101: An Introduction to MyTravel  for guidance and training. If the conference you are attending offers a special/discounted rate for lodging, you may book through the conference. If you have any questions about booking travel, contact  Viola Bryant or WVU PCPS Travel.
  • I attended a conference, and my advisor said I can request reimbursement for my travel expenses. How do I do that?
  • Where can I find the WVU Travel and Expenses Manual?
  • How can I book a car for travel to a conference, meeting, or the airport?
    • WVU has contracted with Enterprise Holdings, Inc.. Enterprise Holdings, Inc operates Enterprise Rent-A-Car and National Car Rental to provide local, state-wide, and national vehicle rental services to the WVU System. Please note that it is recommended to book a Rental Vehicle through  MyTravel as it automatically applies WVU's discounted rates. The rates and features of this contract are available for University authorized business only with the code  WVUPERS . Learn more from WVU PCPS Travel.
  • I am planning to travel abroad for a conference or program. What should I know?
    • All persons traveling abroad must register their travel with WVU Global Affairs in advance. By completing a simple form, you are registering your travel, enrolling in WVU's international insurance plan and emergency response service, and fulfilling your Export Control obligations. 
  • What are some helpful tips for traveling?
    • A Pcard is the preferred payment method for all expenses except for food.
    • When driving a personal car, your mileage is reimbursed, but when driving a rental car, your gas expenses and rental costs are reimbursed.
    • Save your receipts! You cannot be reimbursed without a receipt except for in rare cases.
    • Meals can be reimbursed up to the per diem rate for the location of travel. Receipts are not required, but please keep track of expenses. The rate may be lower at times if your advisor sets a limit for meal reimbursement. When meals are provided to you by a conference, they cannot be reimbursed.

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