All Ph.D. candidates are required to submit a progress report each spring semester (by March 31). This requirement begins after the candidate successfully completes their oral qualifier exam and continues until graduation.
- Each report covers the past twelve months.
- You must meet with a quorum (at least two members and the chair) of your doctoral committee to discuss your research progress before submitting your annual report. A template for the report can be found below.
- The meeting is not required if you expect to graduate within the next six months of the report deadline (spring or summer semester of the same year).
- After completing your report, send it via email to the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee.
If you're on track to graduate by spring or summer and your report deadline falls within that timeframe, you don't need a committee meeting before submitting the report. In all other circumstances, schedule a meeting to discuss your progress with your committee before submitting the report.
Template for Annual Ph.D. Student Report
- Graduate Student Name/Email Address:
- Report Submission Date:
- Date of Committee Meeting:
- Members Present (either in person or remotely):
- Year Admitted:
- Date Student Entered Ph.D. Candidacy:
- Estimated Date of Ph.D. Defense (month/year):
- Desk Location (room/building):
- Research Advisor (if decided):
- Ph.D. Committee Members (if decided; include an asterisk if faculty is external):
- Courses completed during the past academic year, including research credits, with grades:
- Courses planned for the next academic year, including research credits:
- Conferences/workshops attended during the past two years ( name of meeting; location/date; title/authors of co-authored posters/talks):
- Manuscripts submitted (S), accepted (A), or published (P) during the past two years ( title of paper; journal name/year; author list; choose one: S, A, or P):
- Describe your upcoming six month goal toward your thesis project's objective in a list or in 1-2 paragraphs.
- Describe your long-term goals, if known ( e.g., career in industry, academia, education, outreach, etc.)
- Include a written confirmation from advisor certifying that the report is correct and the information has been shared with the Ph.D. committee (as an oral presentation or as a written report). An email from the advisor confirming the content of this report is sufficient.